Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Special Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10 am
Bradenton Clubhouse
ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: Ron Nurnberger, President; Brad Thomas, 2nd VP; Margaret
Hartzler, Treasurer; and Jo Miller, Tournament Director.
Absent: Kay Lynn Duncan, Secretary, attended via telephone and gave Proxy to Ron N. Mike
Collins, 1st VP; Bob Comford, 3rd VP; Nancy Scalfani, KOR/Alternate State Delegate and gave
Proxy to Ron N.; and John Brown, State Delegate.
Voting Club Members: Jean Wilson, Jr.; Michael Sadler, David Welsh, Jerry Stannard, John
Brazil, Tropic Isles; Larry Russell, introduced as Palmetto’s new President, Joe Carpentier, Sue
Daidone, and Pat Tomko.
All BOD Officers reports will be given at the November 7, 2020 District Meeting.
Reminder—District Amateur Tournaments will start on Fridays and a Match will constitute 12
frames played on each color, voted by the amateur players last spring.
November 7, 2020 at 1 pm at the BSC will be the first official SWCD BOD meeting. Club
Presidents should plan to attend and take topics of discussion at the District meeting back to
their shuffle club and share information with their Club.
SWCD email distribution list is maintained by our faithful Sue Daidone and she sends out timely
emails on all matters of notice and interest. Club Presidents were encouraged to share this
email service with your club shufflers. Contact Sue at
to get on her distribution list.
2020-21 Schedules (State and District Changes). Shufflers should go to the FSA and SWCD
Websites and Bulletin Boards to see the current and updated tournament schedule. The first
seven (7) State Tournaments are all set with changes to the original schedule so check out the
changes on Website. P 03 on 10/19/21–No Tournament (using week for re-evaluation).
SWCD PRO first 9 tournaments (D-1 thru D-9) are scheduled for play. Only two clubs currently
have approval to host District Tournaments–Bradenton Shuffle Club (BSC) and Trailer Estates
(TE). SWCD schedule announced with changes in BOLD: Advised to check SWCD Website
Bulletin Board for Updates at
D-1, D-2, and D-3 Open Mixed Draw hosted as BSC.
D-4 10/29-30/20 Open Mixed Draw 16FR/75 hosted at BSC.
D-5 11/5-6/20 Restricted DBLS M/L 16FR/75 hosted at TE.
D-6 11/12-13/20 Open Doubles hosted at BSC.
D-7 11/19-20/20 Restricted Draw Doubles M/L hosted at TE.
D-8 12/3-4/20 No change–Open DBLS M/L at BSC.
D-9 12/10-11/20 Restricted DBLS M/L at TE.
Amateur District Tournament Schedule:
Play on Fridays. 12 frames each color equals 24 frames for a Match.
A-1 on 10/30/20 at BSC. A-2 on 11/6/20 at TE. A-3 on 11/14/20 at BSC. A-4 on 11/20/20 at
SWCD Special Mtg Minutes Page 2 September 22, 2020
The first 4 tourneys will be mixed draw. We are uncertain how many people will show up to play
especially women players, so players must be flexible to changes to format at last minute,
(specifically D-6).
SWCD Nov. 7 meeting we will complete rest of 2020-21 District Tournament Schedule starting
with D-10 and make changes as needed.
FSA: There will be no Red-Line or Hall of Fame this season.
Mentioned: If no sponsors, there may not be prize money.
Entry Fee will be $8 Increase by $2 is for the FSA Sanitation Fee permitted in FSA Protocol.
• Review FDA Pandemic Protocol. All districts must follow State Pandemic Rules with no
exceptions. Pres. Ron reviewed the rules as necessary. Highlights:
• Clubhouses (per FSA Protocol) are not to be used.
• All players, onsite workers, and approved guests must wear a mask–no exception.
Every other court will be used, and opponent will be on bench of empty court.
• State Tournament Host may start play at 8:30 am (their choice but must post on FSA
Bulletin Board during registration.) The 4 pm last call can be waived by Director.
• State Tourneys required online preregistration starting at 8 am Friday to 4 pm Sunday
preceding tourney date. Players names approved to play in tourney will be posted on
the FSA Bulletin Board online.
• District Tournaments—each player’s temperature will be taken at the gate by Pat
Tomko. Anyone with temp at 100 degrees will be denied entry.
• No pre-registration required for District Tourneys.
• District Tournaments will begin play at 9 am and the 4 pm last call can be waived.
• Registration at District Tourneys starts at 8 am. All players must complete a registration
form. Registration Table will be outside Clubhouse; social distancing required at table
and viewing tournament charts.
• Bring mask, chair, water bottle and your own sanitizer.
• The guest rule was explained. No spectators. A person accompanying a player for a
specific reason must complete a release form and adhere to all protocol rules.
• Protocol and specific information will be on the SWCD Bulletin Board on our website.
• Tournament Director will be doing the Draw Pick for players with 1 witness present.
Other: Dues for Membership at BSC are $20. North Shore League has been cancelled for
2020-21 season.
Adjourned at 11:10 am
Notes take via Telephone by KLDuncan
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Secretary for SWCD
Dated: September 23, 2020
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