

Most recent update: 03/12/2022

You need at least 200 Lifetime points or Special Awards in the SWCD to be inducted into the SWCD Hall of Fame

(click on SWCD Rules)

Only Pros with at least 100 life time points in the SWCD
are listed here



zP F Current Past Lifetime
2782 Everett* Marilyn P F Paradise
0 435 435
1610 McCullough* Shirley P F Trailer
25 386 411
423 Coburn* Marlene P F Trailer
0 400 400
2063 Batdorff* Pat P F Golf
0 382 382
4833 Nurnberger* Pam P F Bradenton 38 309 347
2767 Wegner* Lois P F Bradenton 33 311 344
2681 McCurdy* Joan P F Paradise
0 307 307
4049 McCague* Arlene P F Palmetto 31 275 306
3600 Sclafani* Nancy P F Bradenton 23 239 262
4169 DeVries* Letha P F Golf
32 217 249
4150 Hartzler* Margaret P F Bradenton 20 196 216
4473 Tomko* Pat P F Tropic
30 186 216
4722 Smith* Terri P F Bradenton 0 213 213
5710 Putnam Cheryl P F Trailer
29 150 179
6363 Slaughterbeck Cindy P F Trailer
38 141 179
4357 Wallingford Linda P F Bradenton 11 155 166
2789 White Evelyn P F BSC 0 146 146
3308 Cramton Adriana P F Sea
17 121 138
4338 Kowalewski Flo P F Bradenton 2 124 126
5825 Schultz Donna P F Bradenton 28 93 121
3893 Boutwell Kathy P F BSC 0 120 120
Only Pros with at least 100 life time points in the SWCD
are listed here



zP M Current Past Lifetime
408 Coy* Ben P M Trailer
9 518 527
2906 Mardis* Larry P M Bradenton 28 405 433
254 Brown* John P M Trailer
6 425 431
2781 Everett* Jerry P M Paradise
0 411 411
3337 Lozano* Ralph P M Golf
0 350 350
2987 Taylor* Larry P M Golf
2 282 284
3291 Cross* Dwayne P M Bradenton 29 251 280
4832 Nurnberger* Ron P M Bradenton 29 242 271
2805 VanDeGrift* Faren P M Bahia
3 237 240
3944 Marquis Mike P M Bradenton 26 210 236
3215 Stannard Jerry P M Bradenton 19 208 227
1365 Minnich* Dave P M Bradenton 19 201 220
4268 Leonard Ed P M Tropic
26 181 207
3145 Berg Peter P M Bradenton 0 198 198
4692 Kudro Dave P M Bradenton 33 155 188
2852 Snook Ira P M Bradenton 0 174 174
4434 Kendall Bob P M Bradenton 29 126 155
3354 Gingerich Clarence P M Bahia
0 146 146
3675 Kellogg Nelson P M Golf
12 129 141
5709 Putnam Tom P M Trailer
24 114 138
5046 Welsh David P M Bradenton 15 113 128
4358 Rathburn Jim P M Palmetto 19 96 115
698 Gatchell Dave P M Bradenton 0 114 114
6294 Congdon Arnie P M Terra
31 76 107
4587 Booher Phil P M Bradenton 16 87 103
2277 Miller Levi P M Bradenton 5 98 103