Southwest Coast District Meeting
Minutes (approved) November 5, 2016
Meeting called to order at 1:00 PM by President Nurnberger. Invocation by John L. Brown, followed by “Pledge to the Flag.”
ROLL CALL: 14 ‘voting’ Presidents (or designee) and 8 executive board members present for voting count of 22. Total attendance was 41.
MINUTES: Minutes from the March 5, 2016 meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Treasurer report will be filed for the audit.
2015-16 Income: $5373.18 Expenses: $5689.76 Net: -$316.58 (Creation of new Hall of Fame expenses were part of deficit).
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: No Report at this time
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Dave Welsh Stated he still had openings for volunteers to take 50/50 monies at local tournaments. He encouraged members to ‘take a turn.’
3rd VICE PRESIDENT: Jim Smith Stated “Preview” sales were going fine and encouraged Club Presidents to buy some to hand out to their ‘park players’ to help create interest.
KOR: Keeper of the Records Nancy Scalfani stated all has started smoothly this year and that all ‘statistics’ were on the SWCD Web Page to view and check player status. NOTE: Nancy wanted to ‘clarify’ change made at the March 2016 meeting regarding SWCD State Amateur Players Master Points. The Top players eligible for the Masters Tournament will earn points in District (Thursday) only. IF THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH players (8 men & 8 ladies) eligible to fill the 16 positions, then Master points will be awarded for those players who ‘placed’ in a ‘State Amateur Tournament held in the SWCD and played with a partner also from the SWCD.
STATE DELEGATE: Jerry Stannard reported on the change for this year that non-walking State Singles Tournaments will be 16 frames instead of previous 12 frames. He also noted that it will be re-visited at the January State Meeting. Feedback from tournament hosts will report on how it went.
He also stated that the FSA has some $45,000 in the bank and wishes they would share more with local districts. He also stated that the FSA says they need a hefty bankroll in case of any lawsuits.
ALTERNATE STATE DELEGATE: John L. Brown had no report. He also did attend the State Meeting in Sebring this past October.
PUBLIC RELATION COMMITTEE: Sue Diadone stated the newly formed Bradenton social shuffleboard club is doing well and meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday night from 6-9 PM at the Bradenton Courts. She also stated that one of the new millennium players is now on the Bradenton Club board of directors. She feels this will be good for shuffleboard in our area, with a younger prospective for future play.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: TD representative Dolores Brown indicated things have gotten off to a good start this year, and stated new director Joyce Marquis and assistant director Pat Batdorff were doing an excellent job.
SWCD TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES for next year are to be looked at for changes (if any) by Tournament Host Clubs. They are to report to President Nurnberger as soon as they have their next meeting at their local club. Local Hosts have some leeway to change or try new venues. Bradenton Club was lauded for having the first ‘singles’ district tournament in many, many years this past October. NOTE: Hopes are Tri-Par shuffleboard club will be able to Host District tournaments again next year. In the meantime, those clubs who held one of Tri-Par’s tournaments this year were encouraged to set that date aside again, if Tri-Par is not able to host them.
SWCD HALL OF FAME hoss collar (fund raiser) and new inductions to the HOF will be March 18, 2017 at the Bradenton Club (9 am).
NON-PROFIT 501 c (3) UPDATE: New President Mike Marquis of the non-profit organization listed many ideas he is considering to promote this organization. He will continue to update the SWCD and will look for those who wish to help.
HOF JACKETS: Jerry Stannard made a motion that SWCD buy ‘HOF Jacket’ for past presidents. The cost is $55. Approved unanimously.
CD TRAING TIPS: Brad Thomas volunteered to look into possibility of creating a CD of tips by our local top players for distribution. A Comment was also mentioned for doing a ‘synopsis’ written book or pamphlet instead. Brad will try and meet with some players and report back at the January 2017 meeting.
STATE MEETING CONFLICT OF PLAYERS: After much discussion about players who are on the SWCD board of directors who have to attend the State meeting in March, and therefore may not be able to complete a tournament, it was decided to have the tournament director (at ‘named’ tournament) to try do the best they can to see that play is concluded.
DISTRICT AMATEUR ‘SINGLES’ OPTION: It was moved and approved unanimously to hold a ‘singles’ format when (Friday) district amateur tournaments do not have the 8 teams required for players to receive Master/Move Up Points. NOTE: Future schedule considerations to solve this problem (such as ‘any doubles’) will be discussed and moved on at the January 2017 SWCD meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 2:25 PM