Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes
Saturday, March 6, 2021 – 1:00 p.m.
Bradenton Clubhouse
Prayer lead by John Brown, Pledge of Allegiance recited.
ROLL CALL: R. Nurnberger, Thomas, Comford, Duncan, Hartzler, Sclafani, J. Brown, and T. Smith present, and 17 Club Presidents or designees (list filed with these minutes) 25 present with voting rights. Quorum met, and Cheryl Putnum of Nominating Committee
Secretary Duncan read 1/9/21 minutes, Cindy Slaughterbeck moved to approve, 2nd by Dave Welsh, Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: Balances as of 12/31/2020: Checking Acct Balance: $6,087; Masters CD $5,000; Saving Acct $8,000; $946 earmarked for Masters; Total Club Assets: $19,087.72
2nd VP: Brad Thomas reported $167.00 Income from Preview Sales, falling $1 short in collection vs. purchase price.
3rd VP: Bob Comford-No Report
KOR: Nancy Sclafani-2 people moved up to Pro
State Delegate: Nancy Sclafani-No State Report
Alternate Delegate: John Brown shared it was his pleasure and honor to serve as a Board Member for SWCD for 20+ years; served as historian for FSA, and as a National Delegate for years, he enjoyed being a leader, and now he will let others be our leaders.
Tournament Director: reported Karl Clark was approved by FSA as a new District and State Director. Jerry Stannard praised our District Tournament Directors followed by a round of applause.
- 2021-22 SWCD District Schedule
- a) Discussed shortening warm-up shots to save time. No changes made.
- b) Talked about considering should we have all draws.No change, majority like current schedule and mix.
c) Discussed Odd # of players at pro tournaments and fairness for both genders. Cindy S. motioned “When there is odd number of men or women to complete a group, we draw the needed names from entire pool of players to even play.” Margaret H. 2nd Discussed. Cindy Rescinded Motion. Discussion. Identified this specific problem is primarily in October. Cindy motioned “October 2021 PRO schedule be mixed doubles, and women draw a man until all men are matched, then men draw together.” Motion 2nd by Kay Lynn Duncan, Motion carried unanimously.
Cindy S. suggested possibly offering more draws for the amateur schedule. She will canvas folks about this option.
- SWCD Masters- recommend a match constitutes one game on each color for 2021 Masters. Margaret Hartzler motioned “Change District Masters for one year to start on Thursday, one match equals one (1) game played on each color; a game will be 12 frames.” Dave Welsh 2nd motion. Discussion followed. Clarified a break tie, play two frames for tie breakers. Motion passed with 16 yeas.
- Preview Costs to SWCD: Passed out advertisement form for the Preview to clubs present. The cost of the current Preview to print is over $8. We sold for $3. No decision made on how many sheets SWC will submit. Costs: $50 ¼ page; $90 ½ page, $150 full page all black and white.
- Revisit $5,000 CD earmarked as restricted for Amateur Masters Tournaments
An email from Marilyn Everett was read giving her recollection about this $5,000 donation. John Brown announced he and Dolores agree District should respect donator designation and money should be used for Amateur Masters. Treasurer Hartzler stated the CD’s interest has been used for Amateur Masters, but none of the principal of $5,000 has been touched. Ron Nurnberger suggested $5,000 CD be used for all masters tournaments. Kay Lynn made a motion to use the $5,000 CD for all Masters Tournaments and lift restriction from $5,000 CD principal. Dave Welsh 2nd motion. Motion carried.
- Hall of Fame: Candidates for both 2020 and 2021 who achieved 200 points were announced. Board went in closed chambers and voted on Special Contributor Candidates; and approved to receive were Jean Wilson, Nelson Kellogg, Steve Slaughterbeck, and Margaret Hartzler. Ben Coy will be honored for high total points. HOF 200 points achievers: Jerry Stannard, Terri Smith, Ed Leonard, Mike Marquis, Letha DeVries, Ron Nurnberger, and Dave Minnich. All to be honored on the conclusion day of SWCD Masters Tournament.
- 2021/2022 Election of Officers: Officiating, Cheryl Putnam from Nominating Committee. Cheryl thanked the Board and Ron Nurnberger and announced the Slate of Candidates as follows:
President, Cindy Slaughterbeck
1st Vice President, Bob Comford
2nd Vice President, Frank Marderosian
3rd Vice President, Brad Thomas
Secretary, Kay Lynn Duncan
Treasurer, Margaret Hartzler
Keeper of Records, Nancy Sclafani
State Delegate, Nancy Sclafani
Alternate State Delegate, Tom Putnam
Tournament Director, Terry Smith voting rights or designee.
No nominations were received from the floor. Secretary Duncan cast one vote to elect our Slate of Officers. Motion to accept Slate for 2021-2022 made by Jerry Stannard, motion seconded Cindy Slaughterbeck. Motion approved unanimously.
New SWCD Board was sworn in by Ron Nurnberger at the conclusion of the meeting and photo taken.
Motion to adjourn at 2:35 pm.
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Secretary for SWCD