Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes
Bradenton Clubhouse
Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 1:00 pm
ROLL CALL Steve Slaughterbeck, Kathy Laver, Bradley Thomas, Bob Comford, Kay Lynn Duncan, Margaret Hartzler Treasurer; John Brown, Pat Batdorff. Absent: Nancy Scalfani and Joyce Marquis Club Presidents: Michael Sadler, Cindy Slaughterbeck, Dennis Mills, Dian Darrah, Ron Nurnberger.
President: Commended John Brown for organizing a successful well attended Shuffle University in February. Expressed heartfelt loss and missing the face of Jim Miller who did so much for BSC and our District.
Secretary: Minutes read from January 12, 2019 Meeting. Cindy Slaughterbeck moved to accept minutes as read, seconded by Dennis Mills, and motion carried.
Treasurer: Margaret Hartzler reported $17,753.63 total monies to date. Masters line item is approximately $1,000, and expenditures for Masters over line item will come from general fund.
Expenses for month of March will average $1,500.00.
First VP: Kathy Laver: would like to promote sales of 50/50 someway. Various suggestions made, favorable by all to walk through tables and consider adding an item (like gift card) to drawing. Send thank you notes to those who donated their winning back to the District. The District 50/50 profit goes to pay for Masters plaques and pins. Tabled vote until November Bd. Mtg.
Second VP: Brad Thomas asked Sue Daidone to send email asking Clubs to pick up their Previews. No response. Several left over available for sale.
Third VP: Bob Comford. No Report.
KOR Nancy Scalfani: Absent
State Delegate: John Brown: FSA has spent $5,000 on Biaggi Lawsuit and FSA voted to unsuspend the accused shuffler; vote failed 8-13. Long-time PREVIEW Editor Colleen Austin is resigning, and Josh Dulabaum of Clearwater Club will be new PREVIEW editor. FSA will meet on 3/16/19. John read one paragraph from a proposed FSA Disciplinary Procedure created by FSA Committee and lawyer. John deems this procedure unreasonable, and asked SWCD Board/Club Presidents how he should vote on this document. Much discussion followed with a decision to email the procedure to our BOD/Club Presidents. All to report back their vote prior to 3/16/19 FSA meeting. Colleen agreed to prepare the 2020 FSA HOF fliers, tickets, and program for our District.
Tournament Director: Pat Batdorff filled in for Joyce Marquis at this meeting and gave an update on Joyce who is out of hospital and home.
1. District Hall of Fame: Jerry Stannard made a motion “to change the date from 3/16/2019 to Saturday, March 23, 2019 for the District HOF Ceremonies at Trailer Estates.” Jerry amended the motion to read “Change date from 3/14/2019 to Saturday, March 23, 2019.” Ron Nurnberger seconded. Amended Motion Carried. Jerry Stannard will be MC for the District HOF inductees. Jo Miller will order cake.
SWCD Annual Meeting Page 2 March 2, 2019
2. Vote on District Operating Rule Changes. This item tabled for discussion and vote at November 2019 SWCD Meeting due to lack of a quorum.
A question was brought up to Cindy regarding the Amateurs not getting move up points or master points for the No 2 Pro Tournament which is correct. Long discussion followed, Ron Nurnberger and Jerry Stannard stated that everyone playing should get move up and master points, except for the Pro/District Am Tourney which no points are awarded, and majority agreed. Kay Lynn read KOR (Nancy S) cheat sheet for current rules on how she issues points. District KOR and will be contacted for further investigation. NEW BUSINESS
1. 2019 District Masters at Trailer Estates
District Masters Tournament Committee met. Cindy Slaughterbeck reported all is on schedule. Peter Berg will be asked to take pictures. Discussed cost of plaques and pins and for this year–plaques and pins will be given as in the past. May revisit for next year. Clubs were encouraged to donate towards Masters cost to the District.
2. 2020 Preview Advertising Notices: Kay Lynn suggested we send the renewal notices out via email to clubs and sponsors who have an email on file to save mailing costs. Those without email will be mailed. Agreed a good idea.
3. FSA 2020 Hall of Fame Banquet: Hotel, venue, and cater has been selected by HOF Committee. The date is set for Monday, January 13, 2020 at Trailer Estates. The Singles Shuffle Tournament will be held at Bradenton Shuffle Club. HOF Committee reported all necessary plans required will be ready for the March 16, 2019 FSA meeting. We will encourage all our District Clubs members to attend the banquet.
4. Annual Board Elections. Tabled Elections until the November 2019 SWCD Board Meeting.
5. Other: Talked about how to deal with low shuffler turnout at Amateur Tournaments. Brad Thomas made suggestion when shufflers come to a tournament in search of a partner, the host club could have 1 Amateur and 1 Pro available. No decisions made.
Brad Thomas would like to organize a van pool for State Masters Tournament for our District Shufflers to attend.
Sue Daidone, Ridgewood Club, asked a SWCD shuffler to make a personal visit and look at condition of their courts regarding proposed maintenance required. Bob Comford volunteered.
Motion to Adjourn at 3 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Kay Lynn Duncan
Recording Secretary for SWCD