“Unapproved” MEETING MINUTES 3-5-2016
Meeting call or order a 1:00 PM by President Nurnberger. Invocation by John L. Brown, followed by the ‘Pledge to the Flag.’
ROLL CALL: 14 ‘voting’ Presidents and 8 executive board members present for voting count of 22. Total attendance was 33.
MINUTES: Minutes from January 9, 2016 meeting were approved.
TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurers report will be filed for audit. Note: Needed corrections between January report and present report will be made by treasurer.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kathleen Ferrer from Project Bradenton gave an update on April 1st event at BSC. Backup date will be April 2nd. A sign up sheet was passed around for ‘helpers’ at the event. We encourage SWCD members to lend their services. Signup with Paul Knepper or Sue Diadone.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Jerry Stannard reported the HOF banquet will be held March 19th with a HOSS COLLAR fund raising singles tournament starting at 9:00 AM with prizes (sign-up at 8:30 AM–$5 entry fee) followed by induction of 29 HOF members. Bring your own lunch, dessert provided. It was also noted that many other members will in installed into the hall of fame ‘posthumously’ in the future.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dave Welsh reported that 50/50 sales were good this year and appreciates all the ‘volunteers’ who came forward for him.
3rd VICE PRESIDENT: Jim Smith reported that all Previews are sold. Suggested we purchase the same amount as last year (192).
KOR: Nancy Scalfani reported that 10 men & 7 ladies moved up to State Am Status and 3 men & 6 ladies moved up to Pro Status this year. It was also reported we ‘issued’ 13 new State ‘numbers’ for new District Am players.
STATE DELEGATE: Jerry Stannard reported that ‘10 day notices’ from the FSA will be voted on March 12th at State FSA meeting. He and Ron want to thank all who ‘registered’ their ‘vote’ in the 10 day notice notebook.
ALTERNATE STATE DELEGATE: John L. Brown had no report, but wanted to note that even though the ‘roof over’ committee has not met this year, there is still interest and wanted those present to keep considering being a part of this movement for the benefit of the SWCD.
MASTERS TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: Update to take place during ‘New Business’ agenda.
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Sue Diadone reported Yellow/Black summer play will begin the first Monday in May for the summer months. If not a member of a SWCD club, cost is $5 for the summer. NOTE: Bradenton Shuffle Club will also provide “The Food Truck” for 2016-17 tournaments.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: Dolores Brown indicated the SWCD Tournament Directors for 2016-17 are as follows: State and District Tournaments; Dolores Brown, Jo Miller & Dave Minnich. District Tournament; Joyce Marquis. District Assistant Directors; Pat Batdorff & Margaret Hartzler.
SWCD HOF ELIGIBILITY: It was moved and approved that Hall of Fame (200) points will only be earned in District Tournaments (Open & Restricted), ‘excluding’ District Amateur Tournaments.
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION: Dave Welsh had no report at this time.
DISTRICT MASTERS TOURNAMENT SPONSORS: We encourage all clubs large or small to donate any amount ($) to the tournament funds. Projected bills are approximately $1400.
TRAILER ESTATES: John Mickle, President of the Trailer Estates Shuffleboard Club, wanted to remind players to park according to posted rules for all tournaments. It was noted some shufflers are parking in undesignated areas.
2016 DISTRICT MASTERS UPDATE: (1) Third game format will be 6 frames on each color and ‘change’ the bar.
(2) It was approved (17-2) to change eligibility for State Am players as such: Master points will be earned in District Tournaments (Thursdays) only. IF THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH players (8 men & 8 ladies) eligible to fill the 16 positions, then Master Points will be awarded for those players who ‘placed’ in a ‘State’ Amateur Tournament held in the SWCD and played with a partner also from the SWCD.
(3) Jerry Everett stated that referees for the tournaments will be on the amateur courts. He will also have ‘roaming’ referees to assist ‘all courts.’
75 POINT GAMES FOR DISTRICT AM TOURNAMENTS: It was discussed that district am’s may benefit from playing 75 point games occasionally instead of all ‘frame’ games. It was noted, if they play in Thursday district or Monday State Tournaments, they get that exposure. It was also noted, host clubs can choose the format they wish to use in tournaments, which has been the case. Trailer Estates said they plan on using the 75 game format for one of their district am tournaments next year (on a trial basis). Jerry Everett also stated that local clubs should use them in their park once in a while as a ‘learning tool.’
SWCD “LOGO”: The new SWCD ‘logo’ was presented and approved unanimously (with one noted change; the size of Hillsbough County on the map needs to be reduced) Bob Grissom, member at Tri-Par, created the logo for us–THANKS BOB!
ANNUAL SWCD ELECTIONS: The 2016-17 nominating committee of Al Nuttal and Diadone stated the present ‘executive’ board members have all agreed to run again for next year. Al asked if their were any other nominee’s from the audience. Hearing none, he asked the secretary to cast one ‘ballot’ for all present board members. Approved unanimously. NOTE: The new executive board member position is the ‘Tournament Directors.’ Their representative this year is Dolores Brown.
OTHER DISCUSSED ITEMS: (1) possibly selling 50/50 tickets on Fridays (district am tournaments) (2) developing a ‘training and tips’ CD using our districts pro’s as a learning tool. (3) Food truck will be available at ‘all’ Bradenton Hosted Tournaments next year. (other host clubs may consider it also).
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 pm—–