Meeting opened at 1:15 by President Ron Nurnberger.  Invocation given by Rev. John L. Brown followed by the Pledge to the Flag.  President Nurnberger reminded all club presidents that they are the only voting member from their club unless they issue a proxy, in writing to the President or Secretary prior to the meeting.

VOTING MEMBERS:  8 Board Members & 18 Club Presidents = 26 voting members present.

MINUTES from January 3, 2015, meeting were approved as posted on the web site. Jerry Everett made motion to accept minutes as posted on web site and Nancy Sclafani second the motion.


TREASURE’S REPORT was given by Margaret Hartzler.  The report will be filed for audit.  A copy will be attached to these minutes.  NOTE: It is our policy not to post our financial reports to the web site.  You may talk to any board member at any time as they each have a copy of the report.

PRESIDENT NURNBERGER reported that he, State Delegate Jerry Stannard and Alt. State Delegate John Brown will be attending the FSA spring meeting on March 14. A synopsis of meeting will appear on web site for member viewing.

1st VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Stannard reported that the progress of the Masters tournaments are moving forward.  Tournament director Delores Brown has contacted all potential participants that the need to notify her two weeks before tournament if they will be playing in the tournament.  Sponsor money is slow in coming in but committee is still working on this.  They have begun working on pins and plaques for the participants. Clubs who are not involved in any of the tournaments are requested to give donations to the Masters Tournaments.  A couple of donations have been received.  Tournament date is March 25, at Trailer Estates.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT Dave Welsh no report but will discuss non-profit issue later in this agenda.

3rd VICE PRESIDENT Jim Smith reported that $103 were taken in profit this year from the PREVIEW. That is a record for PREVIEW profit.

KOR Nancy Sclafani – no report

STATE DELEGATE Jerry Stannard – no report


MASTERS TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE /TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR Delores Brown reported that eligible participants have been contacted and responded with a yes or no as to playing.  We will have a full slate of participants for each level.  T.D. Brown also reported that there are four in training to become tournament directors. This year the tournament director applied for 40 plus new FSA numbers and 12 of those were at the One Must Be A District Am player tournament.  We are growing.

PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR Sue Diadone reported that Mel Erb will have his operation this Thursday.


REQUEST OF CLUB PRESIDENTS FOR SPONSOR MONEY FOR MASTER TOURNAMENTS may still be turned in before March 25th.  We are encouraging clubs who do not host tournaments to help with this venue.

100th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MONEY President Nurnberger reported that there are still monies available and our district would welcome your suggestions. One suggestion made was to apply for some monies to be used to begin our District Hall of Fame project. A second suggestion was to apply for the monies to be used for an architect for the roof over.

SWCD HALL OF FAME Chaired by Jerry Stannard reported committee members are Chair. Jerry Stannard, Nancy Sclafani, Jim Baily, Pres. Nurnberger, and Dick Witaker. The committee is gathering information and beginning to proceed forward.

ROOF OVER Pres. Nurnberger encouraged us to begin thinking more about the roof over and discussing it with others as to its merits.

STATE AM MASTERS TOURNAMENT John Brown made the motion to create a State Am Masters Tournament on the 2015-2016 schedule with MASTERS COMMITTEE bringing to the November meeting the logistics of the tournament.   Jerry Evertt second the motion. Motion passed 19 to 1.

OPEN TOED SHOES worn at a recent tournament was addressed by the tournament director at the site. The director informed the participant of the FSA rules concerning open toed shoes and allowed the participant to continue because he was a new player and unaware of the rule.


POSSIBLE ELIGIBLE SWCD MASTER TOURNAMENTS PLAYERS are to give tournament director 2 week prior notice whether they intend to play or not in the tournament.  Motion made by Jerry Stannard.  Second by John Brown.  Passed 20 to 0.

ALLOW NEW VENUE TO A HOST CLUB to have a “Pro Only” district draw format for a SWCD tournament.  Men & Ladies would be in one draw ‘pool’ & State & District Amateurs would be the other draw ‘pool.’ State Amateurs would accumulate FSA move-up points when placing in this format. Motion made by Jerry Everett.  Second by Bob Comford. Vote 8 yes. 12 Opposed.  Motion failed.

CHANGE THE PRESENT 3 GAME FORMAT IN THE OPEN DIVISION of the SWCD Masters to a 2 game format (one 12 frame game on each color), thus OPEN division play would begin on a Thursday rather than Wednesday (which is start day for the District Amateur Tournament. Motion made by Jerry Stannard.  Second by Gene McCullough. Motion amended to be effective immediately. Vote 7 yes.  14 opposed.  Motion failed.

ASK BRADENTON SHUFFLE CLUB to consider exchanging their two no-pro tournament with the rain date on the 2015-2016 schedule.  John Brown made the motion.  Margaret Hartzler second.  Vote 21 yes.  0 no.  Motion passed.

MOTION TO ENDORSE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (ABC Corporation) so that Dave Welsh may move forward on this issue.  Jerry Everett made motion.  Jerry Rahl second.  Vote 24 yes.  0 opposed.  Motion passed.  Dave Welsh asked for monies to start project.  Pledges were made to this project from private donors at the meeting amounting to $800.  Dave will continue to move forward but this is not a part of our organization.  We are under the guidelines of the FSA.


Pres. Ron Nurnberger                              Sec.  Position  open

Treasure: Margaret Hartlzer                    1st. Vice Pres. Jerry Stannard

2nd Vice Pres. David Welsh                      3rd Vice Pres. Jim Smith

KOR Nancy Sclafani                                  State Delegate Jerry Stannard

Alt. State Delegate John Brown

The slate of officers were sworn in by Al Nutall.  Nominations will continue to be


EXECUTIVE MEETING was held immediately after the regular district meeting. Our amateur CD is coming due and our treasure asked to roll it over to 21 month CD that will yield a minimum of 1% and rate will raise when rates go up. Request approved.

Respectively Submitted,

Joan Erwin, SWCD Secretary