Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes
Saturday, January 9, 2021 – 1:00 p.m.
Bradenton Clubhouse
ROLL CALL: SWCD Board: Ron Nurnberger, Brad Thomas, Bob Comford, Kay Lynn Duncan, Margaret
Hartzler, Nancy Sclafani, John Brown, Terri Smith. Absent: Mike Collins.
Clubs Present: Cindy Slaughterbeck, Trailer Estates; Jan Cote, Tropic Isles; Dian Darrah, Paradise Bay;
Sue Daidone, Ridgewood; Jean Wilson, BSC; Mike Stadler, Riverside Club; Ron Timmerman, Tri-Par; Jerry
Stannard, Golf Lakes; Arlene McCague, Palmetto; Siggy Gudzus, Tidevue; Tony Souza, Ellenton Gardens;
Joe Carpentier, Leisure Lake; 12 Clubs, Dolores Brown, Tom/Cheryl Putnam, and Rosaire Cote attending.
Prayer lead by John Brown, Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Secretary Report: Read November 7, 2020 minutes, motion by Nancy Sclafani to approve
minutes, seconded by Jan Cote, Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: Balances as of 12-31-2020: Checking Acct Balance: $5,762.76; CD reserved
for use for Amateur Masters only $5,000; Saving Acct $8,000; Total Club Assets: $18,763.14.
OFFICER REPORTS: 2nd VP; 3rd VP, KOR and Tournament Director had “no report.”
State Delegate: Nancy Sclafani 3 items: 1) FSA Treasurer reported District needs to pay for its
own pages in the Preview; 2) Tournament Schedule reviews resulted in a few changes posted
on their website; and 3) 10-day notices all failed except for a change passed on #3, Article 4,
Scheduling of Tournaments, “there cannot be more than one mixed tournament when
tournaments are split.”
Discussed briefly Preview costs increase to the District by FSA. New advertisement prices:
black/white $150 full page, $90 half page. We agreed to further address this topic at our March
2021 meeting to agree on District cost for its pages 2021, number of pages; content, etc.
Jerry Stannard followed stated his observation is FSA monies have been steadily dwindling–
now down to $17,000. The State hosts 2 national tourneys–gets no revenue and suggested
Nationals be moved around each year. Ron Nurnberger already brought this idea forward to
FSA, there is support for it, and will be further explored.
President Nurnberger praised our District Tournament Directors Terri Smith and Marcia Clark,
and assistants for a smooth and excellent job performance with round of applause.
Sue Daidone reported a prayer list for shufflers with illness: Bill Comford, Linda Walllingford,
Peter Berg, Adriana/Jim Cramton, Joe Kent/wife, Sue Minnich (now passed RIP dear friend).
1. HOF Presentation in March 2021
Hall of Fame date: March 27, 2021 and will honor both 2020 and 2021 shufflers on the last day
of the Masters Tourney. HOF Committee will report on the nominees at the SWCD March
meeting. Ron read Section 12E from our Operating Rules clarifying details and gave a big
thanks to the HOF Committee for a job well done on writing HOF rules.
SWCD Meeting Page 2 January 9, 2021
2. Review District and State Schedule 2021-2022
Ron N. commended all for adhering to protocol pandemic rules. State schedule for 2021-22 is
in draft form. SWCD must approve the 7 FSA tournaments scheduled for SWCD (TE host 2;
BSC host 5). Motion made by Jean Wilson for SWCD to host 7 FSA Tournaments, Cindy S.
seconded. Much discussion resulted in SWCD President to submit to FSA and in writing a
proposal to realign seven (7) FSA districts into only six (6) FSA districts. Recording Jerry
Stannard ideas: do not hold FSA tourneys same date as Natl Tourney in FL, rotate special
tournaments, presidents cup, red lines, tournament of champions etc. amongst all 7 districts
annually. Motion for SWCD to host 7 tournaments passed by majority with one nay.
3. Protocol Update
President Ron reviewed new Manatee County requirements if you test positive. FSA adheres to
county rules and mandates if you test positive and quarantine, you must bring in writing a
negative Covid report in order to shuffle.
1. Nominating Committee for 2021-22 Election of Officers
Nominating Committee: Cheryl Putnam and Pam Nurnberger. Interested candidates notify
committee. Mike Collins will not run again. If two candidates run for same position, ballots will be
issued. Notice on our website: seeking nominations. Put on March agenda Election of Officers.
2. FSA and SWCD Masters Tournament
Bradenton Shuffle Club will host both FSA and District Masters in 2021. SWCD Masters hosted
by SWCD Board and others. Terri Smith/Mike Marquis, Directors. Currently, will hold a PRO
Masters; uncertain about a State Am Masters. Suggestion made by Jerry Stannard to reduce
Masters to 21 games, Cindy S. reported voted on this last spring and failed to pass. Ron N. to
check if pushers and workers will be classified as “spectators.”
3. Restricted CD Funds Reserved for Masters
Margaret reported $5,000 CD is restricted to use for District Am Masters only and asked if we
want to continue to keep this money a restricted CD. Motion made by KL Duncan to left restrict
from Amateur Masters, seconded by Tony Souza. Discussion: John Brown believes CD was
done for a reason; past practice holds weight. Motion rescinded. Board to investigate how CD
money came about before making decision.
4. District Tournament Start Time Second Day
Jerry Stannard made a motion to start at 9:30 am on second day of tournament. Nancy Sclafani,
Seconded. Discussion: Jerry S. identified benefits. Terri Smith reported no complaints at
current 8:30 am start time, recommends remain same and finish earlier. Motion failed, one yes
vote, remaining nays.
OTHER: Discussed SWCD schedule tournaments changes and memorial tourneys.
Identified FSA tourneys hosted by SWC as follows: BSC: P5, P7, P11, P13, P20; TE: P17, P21.
Motion to adjourn by Jean Wilson at 2:23 pm.
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Secretary for SWCD