Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes
Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Bradenton Clubhouse
ROLL CALL: Steve Slaughterbeck, President; Mike Collins, 1st VP; Brad Thomas, 2nd VP; Bob
Comford, 3rd VP; Kay Lynn Duncan, Secretary; Margaret Hartzler, Treasurer; Nancy Scalfani,
KOR; John Brown, State Delegate; Dolores Brown, Tournament Directors. Alternate State
Delegate, Nancy Scalfani. Club Members Roll Call: 12 Clubs in attendance. One new club
president, Peter Aylen from Braden Castle recognized.
President Report: Reported attendance numbers down 1 percent at State Tournaments and 6
percent at District. State meeting will discuss new schedule for 20-21. Some new clubs looking
for Tournaments; our District did not lose any. The following will be split tournaments: P05A
Jim Miller – between BSC and St. Cloud, and P17 between Trailer Estates and Zephyrhills.
Some wanted to forego hosting Nationals because they do not bring money to the State. The
20-21 schedule ready for distribution to our club members.
Secretary Report: Minutes read from 11-2-2019 Meeting, and Cindy Slaughterbeck made
motion to accept, motion carried.
Treasurer Report: $17,302 without the HOF money, HOF totaled $4,125, $5,000 CD is
currently untouchable; 2 more CDs of $3,000 and $5,000. Total treasury balance as of 12/31/19
is $21,427.45. We should have enough money to pay our expenses for HOF. Margaret gave
credit to Cindy and Kay Lynn for their hard work on HOF planning.
First VP: Mike Collins reported he will be getting people to serve on the District Masters
Committee and when all names are in place, he and Jo Miller will hold a Committee Meeting.
Second VP: Brad Thomas, Announced the 2020 Preview is available for sale. Four clubs have
not picked up their copy.
Third VP: Bob Comford inquired about rate of return on the CDs we hold.
KOR: Eight (8) State Ams are moving up to Pro and one (1) District Am is moving up to St. Am.
And it was so noted there is only one St Am. Tournament being held whereby the State Am can
get move-up points.
State Delegate: John Brown announced he is holding Shuffleboard University on Saturday
January 25, 2020 at BSC come by 8:30 am; he has some professors signed up to teach but
may need more.
Tournament Director(s): No Report.
1. Update on FSA 2020 Hall of Fame Banquet, Kay Lynn: talked about high ticket sales and
status of event, we are planning on 200+. Cindy offered tickets for sale are still available
today. The Committee thanked the District Clubs and members who bought tickets and plan
to attend. We will need workers to help setup on Monday 1/13.
2. District Masters Tournament Committee: Currently, Margaret Hartzler, Dolores Brown, Jo
Miller, Frank M. Mike Collins and Bob Comford will serve as Committee Members. Master
will be held at Palmetto Courts. Mike and Jo will be scheduling a meeting.
SWCD Minutes Page 2 January 4, 2020
3. Discuss Amateur Tournaments and proposal made to change start day to “Thursdays.”
This topic became very active and discussed in great length by several board and club
board members. Many voices were heard, thoughts expressed, opinions voiced. This
secretary could not with any accuracy record the multiple motions made, and then amended
and then withdrawn on topic. Cindy S. offered new folks come to FL in January, not in Oct –
Dec. and perhaps season starts too early for District Ams. The original idea was to consider
the start day for Amateurs to Thursday due to low attendance, and free up Saturday. A few
club presidents did not agree both divisions starting on Thursday.
Ron Nurnberger suggested Amateurs start on Friday and finish their Tournament in one day
with a format similarly used in Michigan–8 frames are played on 1 color, and then 8 frames
on the next color and that constitutes a match. This format could be tested as a “pilot test”
on Jan. 23-24 for Amateurs. A second Pilot Tourney could be held at BSC on Feb. 6-7.
Both the PROs and Amateurs would start on Thursday.
Ron’s format was made a motion by Cindy Slaughterbeck for Amateur tournaments A-11
and A-13 to be Pilot Test Tourneys, A-11 scheduled for Friday, Jan. 24, 2020 at Palmetto
will be a format of 16 frames to constitute 1 Match shuffling 8 frames on each color; and the
same pilot test format will be used for A-13 to START on THURSDAY, Feb. 6, 2020 at BSC.
Amateurs should finish up in one day. Motion seconded by Ron Nurnberger. Vote: 19
Yeas; 2 Nays. Motion carried.
4. Margaret Hartzler offered a proposal to close registration by 8:30 am for tournaments.
Discussion on pros/cons. No action taken.
5. Amateur University School on January 25, 2020 – covered above.
1. Proposal to include updated SWCD HOF drafted language in District rules
Rules for District HOF are vague and new rules are being are proposed and will be tabled
for a vote at the March 7, 2020 District Board Meeting. Cindy Slaughterbeck will have
language sent out a week before Board Meeting by Sue Daidone to all members. These
rules will then be added to the District Operating Rules.
2. Appoint nominating committee for election of officers
Ron Nurnberger, Cindy Slaughterbeck, and Bob Comford will serve as Nominating Committee.
3. 20-21 Tournament Schedule Information: Schedule was distributed.
Other: Kay Lynn Duncan wrote a letter on behalf of the SWCD to Editor of Bradenton Herald
asking to reconsider dropping John Brown’s column on Shuffling. SWCD Board will sign letter
and she will hand deliver on Monday with copy to Bradenton City Mayor. All members asked to
write or call BH and complain and there is a form letter to use on SWCD Website.
Motion to Adjourn made after 3 pm by Jerry Stannard.
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Secretary for SWCD
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