Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes
Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 1:00 pm
Bradenton Clubhouse
Steve Slaughterbeck President; Kathy Laver 1st VP; Brad Thomas 2nd VP; 3rd VP Vacant;
Kay Lynn Duncan Recording Secretary; Margaret Hartzler Treasurer; Nancy Scalfani KOR;
John Brown State Delegate; Dolores Brown and Jo Miller, Tournament Directors,
Absent: Paula Jacobson and Joyce Marquis. Alternate State Delegate Vacant.
President Report: Jerry Stannard has stepped down as President of SWCD and First V.P. Steve Slaughterbeck fills the Presidency Vacancy.
Secretary Report 11/4/2018 Minutes were read, noted a correction to Old Business Item #2, motion to approve with correction by Siggy Gudzus, and seconded by Nancy Scalfani. MOTION CARRIED.
Treasurer Margaret Hartzler gave October 1, to December 31, 2018 financial report and reported total District assets at $17,369.14.
First VP: Kathy Laver, No report.
Second VP: Brad Thomas in charge of Preview distribution had two concerns brought forth:
- How best to distribute PREVIEW to Club Presidents as there is no current system in place.
Ten clubs have not picked up their copy. Cindy Slaughterbeck (Cindy S). made motion to send letter to those 10 clubs. Dennis Mills seconded. KLDuncan amended the motion to also include notification via email to clubs with email on file in motion and snail mail to remainder. Cindy S. seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
- Many folks distribute PREVIEW copies; and Brad can’t control the proper income collected for reimbursement to SWCD. Currently, there is a $19 deficient on sales vs. cost. Margaret Hartzler confirmed paying clubs/sponsors advertising are entitled to one free copy. Discussed how to handle and tract books and money. Motion made by Ken Mather “All free copies must be signed for and a record kept.” Bob Comford seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
BREAK IN AGENDA: Swore in new 3rd Vice President
Bob Comford was sworn in as 3rd Vice President by John Brown at 1:30 pm on January 12, 2019 to fill vacancy left by Steve Slaughterbeck. Kathy Laver is now 1st VP; Brad Thomas is 2nd VP and Bob will serve as 3rd VP until March 2019.
KOR: Three (3) State Ams will move up to Pro in October. No District Ams moved up.
State Delegate: No report. No State meeting held since Nov. 2018.
Tournament Director(s): Due to health concerns for Joyce Marquis, Jo Miller and Dolores Brown are filling in and Jo is asking for new additional Tournament Directors to step up. It takes time to train people and per Glenn Monroe, all directors need to be trained to know how to do paper charts. Cindy S. suggested to encourage non-playing spouses to help out. Contact Jo Miller or Dolores Brown if interested. KLDuncan made a motion to post on SWCD Website to encourage people to come forward and be trained as Directors. Nancy Scalfani seconded. MOTION CARRIED. John Brown will put in newspaper.
- Discuss SWCD Rule Changes for 8(D)(1) and 8(E), and 8(G); and for No 2 Pros & Pro/District Am Masters Tournament Rules.
President Steve reported rule changes must yet be made to SWCD operating rules based on motions passed at SWCD Board meetings during calendar years 2017 and 2018. These rules changes were discussed today (1/12/2019) and changes will be voted on at March 2019 mtg and become effective in season 2019-2020.
First Rule change affects Rule 8G and pertains to odd number of registered shufflers at a draw tournament and who is required to dropout. Current operating rule dictates last person to register to play from host club must relinquish play if no partner.
Above rule is no longer in effect. A motion was passed on 1/6/2018 that amends this rule to read: “If the ladies are uneven and host park does not have a lady signed up then the odd lady would move over to the men’s side. If that makes the men uneven, a man player from the host park would have to dropout.”
A motion was made on 1/12/19 by Cindy S and amended by KLDuncan on this rule: “If odd man and odd woman registers to play, they can play together in either tournament based on discretion of Tournament Director with the approval of the two players. If only 1 odd player, the last to register from the host club must relinquish play, if there is no player registered from host club, then last player to register cannot play.” Ron Nurnberger seconded. HOLD VOTE UNTIL MARCH 2019 MEETING.
Second and Third Rules change affects 8 (D)(1) and 8(E) pertains to Amateur Tournament 2018-2019 schedule calling for Mingle/Mingle game format and format does not match current operating rules. AND awarding of ‘points’ (both move-up and master) for players of Mingle/Mingle is uncertain by KOR; and including who, how, and when KOR should record.
Cindy S. read current operating rule(s) for:
8(D) citing District Amateur Tournaments become draw tournaments when the Pro schedule dictates a draw” AND “…in the 2016-17 season, if there are not enough players to fill 8 teams, the Tournament Director may use a ‘Singles Format…
AND 8(D)(1) State amateur players who play in district amateur tournament do not accumulate ‘point’ of any kind. District Amateurs playing in district tournaments accumulate ‘move up’ points.”
AND 8(E) A minimum of eight (8) teams in an amateur tournament for move up points to be awarded. Amateur Master Points will be awarded. 11/1/08
Above operating rule(s) are not being followed because motions have been made and passed that have altered the above bylaws.
8(D)(1) was previously passed as follows: State Ams continue to earn Master Points, no move-up points for St. Amateurs who play in District Amateur tournaments.
8(E) was discussed and voted on in Nov 2018 as follows; District and St Ams tournaments with less than 12 teams, the points will be cut in half resulting in players in the Main will get only 1/2 point; and consolation will get 1/4 point. Motion amended to read “Effective October 1, 2019 if an Amateur Tournament is played with less than twelve (12) teams, the move-up points will be cut in half.” **** This will be opened back up for vote in March as discussion regarding 12 teams is too many to cut points.
8(D)(1) There was considerable discussion including scenarios presented about these rule(s) changes including our KOR stating no directions were given to her on how to award points for mingle/mingle tournaments. After long discussion, a motion was made by Kay Lynn Duncan “the remaining three Amateur Tournaments be Draw Tournaments to be legal under our current operating rules.” Margaret Hartzler seconded. 9 votes yes, 2 votes no. MOTION CARRIED.
Cindy S. stated we need to determine how our operating rules are going to be for this rule in March 2019. Cindy S then made a motion: “For 2019 keep schedule to match current Operating Rules, and for October and November 2019 make Draw Tournaments for District Am Tournaments. After that in 2020, they match the Operating Rules, and if not enough players, Directors use a ‘Singles’ Format. Motion seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
We will vote in March 2019 to decide if Tournaments D-17 (No-2 Pros) and D-19 (Pro/District Am) shall be run to match SWCD operating rules. For D-19 scheduled for February 28, no move-up or masters points will be awarded.
(Note: No item #2 on agenda under Old Business)
- Revisit Motion passed on 3/3/18 stating at No 2 Pros Tournament there will be no move up points, but Master points will be given. This motion affects operating rule 8(D)(3) whereby District Ams only earn master points when SWCD annual schedule labels tournament by a letter/number (i.e. A-1). Tournaments No 2 PROs and PRO/1 District Am do not list letter/number on schedule. MOTION STANDS. (We need to clarify this with Nancy. I thought she said that she currently gives masters and move up points for D19)
- Other- Ron Nurnberger made a motion to allow unregistered players who did not show up for District Tournament D-11 on 12/20/2018 due to mitigating severe weather conditions be permitted to play rescheduled D-11 on 3/15-16/2019 at BSC. KLDuncan seconded motion. Discussion. Operating rules allow only players who show up can play rain date. Only 6 women’s teams came. Due to tornado warnings issued and extenuating adverse weather, it was agreed reasonable to allow an exception for D-11. Vote passed unanimously. Women’s tournament will be doubles.
- We agreed to finish the D-10 tournament at Bradenton Club instead of Golf Lake on the March 14, 2019 rain date.
- Redistribution of Bradenton Tropical Palms Tournaments to other host clubs.
Tropical Palms will no longer participate as a host club due to lack of workers to run event.
Palmetto Park will take D-18 and A-15 in 2020, Golf Lakes will take D-6 and A-3 in Nov. 2019, and Bradenton will take D-13 and A-10 in January 2020.
- Redistribution of Palmetto State Am Tournament to another hosting club. – No takers. Tournament will not be held in Dec. 2019 unless a host club comes forth.
- Create committee for FSA Florida Hall of Fame Banquet to be held in Bradenton in January 2020.
Ron Nurnberger shared that the charge and responsibility for planning and carrying out logistics falls to the SWCD Board of Directors and others who volunteer to serve on the HOF Banquet Committee. President Steve S. prefers not to chair this Committee and is asking for volunteers to help plan this event. Every 7 years it falls to SWCD to plan and host.
- Determine HOF inductees to be honored at March 15th HOSS COLLAR/HOF induction ceremonies. The 3/15/2019 for the ceremony was discussed and must be moved due to two tournaments needing rain dates on 3/15-16/2019. Hoss collar will be cancelled for this year. Motion made by Cindy S to hold the annual SWCD Hall of Fame induction ceremony on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 1:30 pm at the Bradenton Shuffle Club, KLDuncan seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Refreshments will be served (Jo Miller).
- Discuss how to cut expenses as revenue is down; and determine how much of past general funds should be used to pay bills – Margaret
Treasurer Hartzler suggests we think about where we can cut down on SWCD expenses. One idea from Jerry Standard is reconsider issuance of plaques for Amateur Masters because they are a costly expense. Master’s committee to make decision.
- Other: John Brown asked how the District wishes to handle the motion made in November on limiting legal expenses on the current FSA lawsuit. Discussed and President Steve will take the letter to Monday’s FSA meeting.
John Brown suggested and offered to hold and teach a Shuffle School this season. He volunteered to handle arrangements, get teachers and set the date, location, and time. All agreed good idea.
Adjourned at 3:25 pm.
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Recording Secretary for SWCD