Minutes – Held at Bradenton Club

January 6, 2018 at 1:00 pm

Meeting called to order by President J. Stannard at 1:05 pm.

Roll Call: Jerry Stannard, Steve Slaughterbeck, Kathy Laver, Brad Thomas, Kay Lynn Duncan, Paula Jacobson, John Brown, Dolores Brown. Absent: Margaret Hartzler, Nancy Sclafani

In attendance: 10 Club Presidents or designees and 7 board members with voting rights.

John Brown gave the invocation followed by Pledge to Allegiance.

Secretary Duncan read the minutes from 11-4-2017 meeting. Joyce Marquis motioned to accept as written, seconded by John Mickle, Motion Carried.

President Stannard reported a treasury balance of $17,304.09.


1st VP Steve Slaughterbeck reported he took a poll on preference at Masters Event to change 3 games down to 2 games: He polled 52 shufflers and 28 preferred to leave same at 3 games, and 24 would like changed to 2 games.

2nd VP Kathy Laver – no report

3rd VP Brad Thomas – Previews have been distributed, a few copies still available. Joyce Marquis needs a few for Friday Amateur Tournaments.

State Delegate: John Brown announced a shuffleboard school is scheduled on January 20, 2018 at Bradenton shuffle club to begin at 8:30 to 11:00 am. Need teachers for new shufflers. Would like a Pro on each court. Observation to note the committee established to review Amateur Tournament Points has not yet met.

Dolores Brown reported all is well and Directors appreciate the help of players to make calls. Cards need to be turned in ASAP when game is finished. Complaints are welcome.


1. Points or No Points for No 2 Pros District Tournament—Joyce M. reported some shufflers spoke to her on this vote from last meeting. Joyce affirmed the motion passed at November meeting to leave points alone as they are for one year.

2. Master’s Survey: Topic covered above is the 1st Vice President report above.

3. District Singles Championship

There will not be a “Singles” Tournament in Bradenton next shuffling season.

Other: Much discussion on the change of shuffleboard game format for Tournaments over the years. Specifically, change from 12 to 16 frames has occurred back and forth at twice. Still debated that current 16-frame game take too long and makes tournaments too long.

Jerry Stannard announced he has several old Previews to pass along to anyone interested. SWCD Board Meeting Page 2 January 6, 2018


1. Points for St. Amateurs in Amateur Tournaments

Joyce Marquis made motion to give State Ams “Master Points” if they play in an Amateur Tournament. Motion seconded by Dolores Brown. Discussion followed with clarification–State Ams will not get move up points and no two State Ams can partner together. MOTION CARRIED.

2. Methods for speeding up play: John Mickle made motion to open topic up for discussion. John Brown seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

a. All frame games: Much discussion. Those present said no–not favorable to playing all frames games. Current schedule is 50/50 frame games vs. 75-point games. NO MOTION.

b. 6 warm-up shots- NO MOTION.

c. No drift cards–10 pt penalty- NO MOTION.

d. Bunch Byes: Joyce M. explained that the Directors suggest “Byes be bunched together.” She demonstrated on chart how the Byes will be put in the top bracket and how chart would work. Kathy Laver made a motion to support Bunching Byes. John Mickle seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Will start right away.

e. Time on Board for 10 Minute Break–5 pt penalty. Joyce Marquis made a motion start time of 10-minute break must be marked on court board, if not back in 10 minutes, 5-point penalty to be approved by Director. Kay Lynn seconded. Discussed penalty enforcement. Directors to enforce.

Vote: 7 in favor; 6 votes against. MOTION CARRIED.

  1. f. Directors call next ups. Dolores believes this action of calling “next up” should be left up to the Tournament Directors. In a Dist. Tournament, there is no waiting list. Players need to take responsibility to be ready to play. NO MOTION.

Other: Court Sweeping/Beading at Tournaments–John Mickle addressed the need of responsibility for players to help sweep and bead their courts. Players needing direction if ok to sweep and bead, consult with Director. Host Club Presidents to mention this at Tournaments.

3. 2018-19 SWCD Schedule- John Mickle would like a separate Ladies and Mens Mingle Tournament.

4. Dropout Procedure for Draw Tournaments

If there is an odd number of players at Draw T., we need policy option of pairing a man and woman together as a team. Joyce M made a motion “If the ladies are uneven and the host park does not have a lady signed up then the odd lady would move over to the men’s side. If that makes the men uneven a player from the host park would have to dropout.” This eliminates a shuffler being sent home who’s not from the host park. Kathy Laver seconded. Motion carried.

Other: District Doubles Tournament having an odd number of players was discussed. John Brown made a motion: At any District Doubles Tournament if a woman and man have no partner the Woman and Man can partner to play in the Mens Tournament.” John Mickle seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Change due date for payment of SWCS Dues to December 1st. Current due date is Jan.1st.

Kay Lynn Duncan made a motion to change the due date to December 1st for payment of SWCD Dues. Motion Seconded by John Stuart. Motion Carried. SWCD Board Meeting Page 3 January 6, 2018

Other: John Mickle discussed “Mingles-Mingles” Tournament proposed at our Nov. 2017 meeting by Host Club Trailer Estates; and Director D. Brown asked for instructions how this tournament would be run. John M. said Tournament would be held in mid-November 2018, start on Thursday, finish on Friday. All players get a chip and have a partner for each game. Top 16 players play semis and finals on Friday and 75-point game.

President Stannard announced Bradenton Club is hosting the 2019 State Doubles; and 2020 State Singles.

Motion to adjourn at 2:20 PM.

Respectively Submitted:

Kay Lynn Duncan

Recording Secretary for SWCD