Southwest Coast District Shuffle Club
Meeting Minutes – Bradenton Clubhouse
Saturday, November 6, 2021 – 1:00 p.m.
Prayer lead by Cindy Slaughterbeck, Pledge of Allegiance recited.
ROLL CALL Cindy Slaughterbeck, Bob Comford, Frank Marderosian, Brad Thomas, Kay Lynn
Duncan, Margaret Hartzler, Nancy Sclafani, Tom Putnam, Terri Smith, and 9 Club Presidents.
President: will try to keep meetings at 1 ½ hours if possible. Shared ideas for SWCD to
consider: help to promote our district shuffle clubs; and host a social event for a night of fun.
FSA Covid Protocols for this season, temps required upon entry to courts, masks required in all
halls, masks on court are optional, no mandate to show vaccine card, all courts may be used.
2021-2022 PREVIEW is for sale $3.00 each. Roles were given to District Vice Presidents, First
VP, Chair for Masters and its Committee; Second VP, Previews Manager, and Third VP, 50/50
Sales Manager.
Secretary: March 6, 2021 minutes sent electronically with 11/6/21 agenda. Moved to approve
minutes by Al MacKenzie, seconded by Nancy Sclafani. Motion Carried.
Treasurer: Reporting Period 10/1/2000 to 9/30/2021. Total Club Assets $18,511.30, there is
$5,000 CD and $8,000 in Savings, checking account balance $5,510.32. Full report distributed
to Board.
st VP Bob Comford – No Report
nd VP Frank Marderosian, Previews for Sale $3 each
rd VP Brad Thomas, No Report
Keeper of Records, Nancy Sclafani, One St. Am moved up to Pro
Tournament Director Terri Smith – No Report
1. Amateur Master Points given for tournaments played in SWCD
Master Points discussed:
District Ams can play in Pro Tourneys and are not awarded any Master Points; State Ams play
in Pro Tourneys and get Master Points. Motion by Tom Putnam “District Ams to get Master
Points when playing in Pro District Tournaments.” Motion seconded. Discussion. Motion
Carried. The Motion was amended by Tom Putnam “To be Retroactive, Amateurs get master
points if they place in a St. Am or Pro Tournament.” Seconded by Margaret Hartzler, Motion
Hall of Fame Points discussed:
Question then raised whether Amateur master points at Pro Tournaments are credited toward
District Hall of Fame points and do we want to give Dist Am playing on Thurs with Pros and
place HOF points. Pointed out St. Ams are getting Hall of Fame points and all our Pro
Tournament are open to Amateurs. Motioned by Ron Nurnberger “to continue giving Hall of
Fame points the way we are currently and Dist Ams do not get SWCD Hall of Fame Points. Bob
Comford seconded. Motion Carried.
1. 2021-22 Covid-19 FSA and District Protocols and mandates of Host Clubs,
This item was covered in President’s report. Kay Lynn Duncan asked how FSA Covid protocols
currently affect District clubs. We discussed clubs cannot ask shufflers for their vaccine status,
masks on courts are optional, and Host Tournament Clubs must require shufflers to wear mask
inside their hall except when eating, and any visitors at district tourneys must submit to temp
test and fill out a form.
SWCD Meeting Page 2 November 6, 2021
2. Promote idea our district should offer more than just tournaments and focus on promoting
and helping our district clubs’ more.
President Cindy recommends we think about ways to get our clubs involved with District
activities. Shuffleboard school is one positive event and we will approach John Brown for input.
Arlene asked if anyone is interested in Black Friday day after Thanksgiving. Palmetto has
always hosted this 1-day event, cost is $10, its round robin playing 8 frames per game and new
partner each game. Sue will put out email asking shufflers to reply if interested to get a count.
Our President posed idea to get District Ams interested in Tournaments is to host a tourney at
different club’s courts. Suggested Bradenton Tropical Palms and Tropic Isles in hopes their
club District Ams will come and join in to see what tourney playing is all about. Russ Spoto will
check on use of their courts. Al MacKenzie will check on possibilities after Covid rules are lifted.
Lastly discussed the Dist Am Tournaments scheduled for November. There are no Dist Ams
showing up, maybe one. Tom Putnam made a Motion “To start District Am Tournaments the
first Friday in December 2021.“ Bob Comford seconded, Motion Carried. Need email to go out
on this change by Sue.
3. Palmetto Club will host 2022 Masters, will need District workers to help at tournament.
4. Field ideas for planning a social event inviting SW District clubs, offer food, for a night of fun.
President Slaughterbeck asked volunteers form a committee to plan a social event for late
February 2022, at Trailer Estates, invitation extended to all District Shufflers. Those willing to
serve on the committee, contact Kay Lynn. The Committee to plan event and shuffling may be
optional. Volunteers at meeting but need more: Cindy S., Nancy S. and Kay Lynn.
Ron Nurnberger shared information about renovations to the Bradenton clubhouse ongoing for
past several months. And also mentioned BSC is planning to host a holiday party at their club
on Dec. 18, 2021. Invitees are BSC Members and 1 guest per member. Flier forthcoming.
5. District Board members seek a person to mentor and prepare as a future Board member.
President Slaughterbeck wants board members to seek out a person to mentor in learning their
board job to prepare for a new board in the future. We need people trained to do our jobs.
6. Previews ($3.00). The Hall of Fame Banquet will be in Lee County January 17, 2022, tickets
are $35.00, and there at least 4 SWD shufflers being inducted so plan to attend.
Arlene reported the North Shore league most likely will just have one last tournament this year
and use their fund monies because most parks involved cannot get enough players for league
Sue Daidone gave a brief interesting over view on work her committee is doing in preserving the
history of Bradenton Shuffle Club and memorabilia is being planned for a history display at BSC.
All Dues must be paid by Dec. 1, 2021.
Motion to adjourn at 2:15 pm by Margaret Hartzler.
Respectively Submitted:
Kay Lynn Duncan
Secretary for SWCD
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