Minutes November 1,2014
Meeting opened at 1:04 pm by President Ron Nurnberger, invocation by John L. Brown followed by the Pledge to the flag. President Nurnberger reminded all club Presidents that they are the only voting member from their club unless they issue a proxy, in writing to the President or Secretary prior to the meeting.
Roll Call: There were 5 board members and 16 clubs represented.
Minutes from the March 2014 meeting were approved. Motion by Jean Wilson Jr. and second by Jerry Everett. Minutes appear on the SWCD web page.
Installation/Oath of office for Jim Smith as 3rd Vice President and John L. Brown as Alternate State Delegate was give by Sue Daidone.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Margaret Hartzler. It will be filed for the audit. President Ron Nurnberger reported that the discrepancy in costs at last years District Masters (for programs) will be evenly divided by the Palmetto Shuffleboard Club and the SWCD.
Cash Accounts as of 9-30-2014: Checking, $1816.76; Money Market, $11,002.55; CD (Amateur Masters), $5000.00; TOTAL, $17,819.31
1st Vice President: Jerry Stannard reported he has two openings for this year’s District Master’s Committee. Please contact him as soon as possible.
2nd Vice President: Dave Welsh is keeping a ‘spreadsheet’ of all sponsors for District Tournaments. Please let him know any and all sponsors your club uses. Dave also has a ‘sign up’ sheet for 50/50 drawing volunteers. See Dave or Jim & Kathy Smith to sign up. Dave also has been investigating corporate sponsors. He noted you must be a non-profit 501 (C) status to apply. He noted the SWCD is affiliated with the FSA organization (a for-profit organization) thus is not eligible. He is investigating other avenues for corporate funding and will continue to report in the future.
Dorothy Wagasky reminded all clubs that the FSA 100th Anniversary Committee still has some $4600.00 for clubs to apply for. Any ideas for an application needs to be used to promote shuffleboard in the SWCD. Give your ideas to Ron Nurnberger.
3rd Vice President: Jim Smith stated that preview sales were going good. Each club gets one free copy and they can purchase more for distribution to their members; he reminded them to pay up front. He also reminded clubs that pictures for next years Preview should be updated if they are old photo’s.
KOR: No Report
State Delegate: Jerry Stannard reported on discussions at October 18th FSA fall State meeting. He is also still looking into funds generated by the FSA and what their proposed future expenditures may be.
Publicity and Public Relations Committee: Sue Daidone reported on illness and deaths regarding SWCD members. She also noted she has invited the Bradenton Herald to the upcoming National Tournament to be held at Bradenton Shuffleboard Club November 3-5.
Tournament Directors: Ann Wedel is experimenting with suggestion by FSA that all byes be at the top of a bracket to facilitate more ‘play’ early in tournaments. She stated she like the format. She is also attempting to have all semi-finals start at the same time. She encouraged players to read the ‘rule book’ more often, as there are so many misconceptions. She also alerted players again that use of cell phones are prohibited as is ‘texting’ on your cell phone during play.
Ron Nurnberger encouraged each club to come up with one sponsor for District Master’s in March ($50 each was suggested as a minimum). The Master’s rarely turns a profit.
Ron also presented the new ‘updated’ SWCD Operating Rules and a new District Masters Document last years committee spent so much time on. It is hoped that they will provide clarity and assistance to those who become future committee members and/or officers. Copies of both are on the SWCD web page.
Approval was given to raise the entry fee for District Amateur Tournaments to $6.00 pp. Motion by Jerry Stannard, second by John L. Brown.
It was noted that the present 2014-15 district schedule shows the Open Masters starting on Thursday, March 26, 2015. Per board/presidents action last year, both Master Tournaments (Amateur & Open) now start on the same day. This will be March 25, 2015 (a Wednesday) at Paradise Bay. NOTE: since this meeting, Paradise Bay encountered a conflict. Thus, the 2015 Masters Tournaments will be held at Trailer Estates. Paradise Bay will host the 2016 Masters.
Ron mentioned that the SWC District Club dues should be paid to treasurer Margaret Hartzler ASAP. Cost is $1.50 per court.
Brad Thomas announced that the Bradenton Shuffleboard Club will host ‘Hoss Collar’ play each Sunday at 1 pm. Entry fee is one (1) dollar and all monies will be returned as prize $.
Clubs who Host State Tournaments in the SWCD need to look over 2015-16 schedule passed out by Ron and get back to him ASAP. The same goes for the SWC District Schedule for 2015-16. Jerry Everett is helping Ron by providing an updated ‘spreadsheet.’ If there is no communication from Host Clubs, it will be assumed tournaments this year will be on corresponding date for next year and have the same ‘venue.’ Contact Ron or Jerry ASAP.
A proposal by John L. Brown to add another Master’s Tournament to the SWCD (State Am) failed to get enough votes during discussion to move on to the January meeting for a vote.
A proposal by Joyce Marquis to adjust the status of the ‘alternate’ player at District Amateur Masters Tournament (proposal: If an alternate plays in ¼ or less in the District Masters, they will be eligible to play the next year if they have not moved up to State Am status the following October) was approved to move on to the January meeting for a vote.
A proposal by Jerry Stannard to create a SWCD Hall of Fame was approved to move on to the January meeting for a vote.
Meeting adjourned at 2:33 pm